See that thing hanging in the distance. That is the what I jumped 134meters off of today! It was the most terrifying/amazing thing I have ever felt. The Nevis Bungy is the highest bungy in the southern hemisphere. Tiger Woods came to New Zealand and liked the Nevis Bungy so much he did it twice. This bungy was way better than sky diving!

Walking to the ledge and still taking deep breaths. They instructed us to look forward instead of looking down and not to hesitate when they told you to jump or it would only get worse... oh geese. The other super scary factor was that it was very windy today and the crew told us that we really needed to jump when they counted down because if we hesitated or didn't jump out and forward, we could hit the ropes below us.
The bungy crew called me "Arkansas" and they kept looking at me and saying "Don't over think it because it will never make sense" and "Arkansas take deep breaths" I was as close to hyperventilating as I have ever been in my life.

Before I realized what I was getting myself into :) If you look behind me in the distance... you will see the Nevis Bungy hanging by cords between the two mountains in the distance. We had to take a cable car to get to it.